After the success in august, now Pagan Evocation Fantasy is back in “Enanched version“!It is not just a dance show: in the two acts that…
In recent months I have been experimenting with the Immersive Theater, a series of techniques to perform performances where there is a real direction in everything:…
I will be involved, with my troupe, in NatureCon2022, where I will do a show.The title is Pagan Evocation Fantasy. It is not just a dance show: in…
It was a great adventure! Midsommarblot, in Old Norse, is the Summer Solstice, one of the most important moments in Nordic and Viking culture.We are talking…
[en] (testo italiano subito dopo) I knew that sooner or later it would happen to me too. Since yesterday my avatar is completely Baked On Mesh (BOM).…
[english text] [testo italiano di seguito] The project was, as awlays, a small challenge.Starting with the music: not a song downloaded from the net, but…
[en] (testo italiano di seguito) July 17, 2021, the date of the Royale Theater “Grid Show” contest. A coveted award, fierce competition, a festival of…
[en] [testo italiano di seguito] It’s done! Wings of Freedom, soundtrack from Attack on Titan, is in SL! We had already talked about it, but now the…
[en] (Testo italiano più in basso) A few days ago I told how I was given the job of directing the opening number of the…
[en] (Testo italiano più in basso) Directly from Attack on Titan, the Research Corps lands and comes to position itself in Secondlife to carry out…