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Ready for VWBPE24

Time to unveal some secrets

The International VWBPE Conference 2024 is started. Full of events and stuff to do.
VWBPE stays for “Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education“.
It’s a global online distributed conference happening in multiple virtual spaces. This conference focuses on the use of immersive virtual environments for educational purposes including virtual and augmented reality.
One of the key challenges faced by the educational community is how to make the best use of new immersive technologies in a way that is sustainable and accessible based on limited budgets available to both instructors and students. Platforms that are free or open source, or that can be shared across a broad audience are showcased including methods and research around best practices in their use and applicability.
In this 2024 Edition, me and Officina dei Sogni are involved! Yes, we have a event inside the Conference, it’s a “Immersive Experience”. The title is Performing Art in VR, in the event, where I will be the first presenter, we will deal with our challenge for today.
From before written history to present day online media, humans have always expressed themselves through the arts. In this event, we will share our process of creating performing art in virtual reality through involving the audience and inviting them to perform with us in the final product.

This is the VWBPE Conference program for us:

Event will be done in Officina dei Sogni experimental area (LM:, on Friday March 22th, at 12pm SLT (20.00 Europe, 19.00 UK).

This is our video presentation: